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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Project Guidance Format for M.B.A. Essay Example

Project Guidance Format for M.B.A. Essay Example Project Guidance Format for M.B.A. Essay Project Guidance Format for M.B.A. Essay A Project Report on â€Å" â€Å" At Company name Submitted to University of Pune In Partial Fulfilment of Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 201-/1- By Student Name [pic] [college name] DECLARATION I, the undersigned honestly declare that, this Project Report entitled â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬  is a genuine and bonafide project prepared by me in partial fulfilment of degree of Master of Business Administration of University of Pune. The Project work is original and the conclusions drawn herein are based on the data collected and analyzed by me. To best of my knowledge, the matter presented in this project has not been submitted and award of any degree, diploma or membership either to this or any other Institute or University. Place: Pune Date: (Sign Name student) â€Å"Certificate on company’s letterhead† CERTIFICATE This is to certify that (Name of the Student) a student of (Name of the college) perusing MBA under Pune University has successfully completed a project on (title of the project) in (name of the department) for the period of . weeks that is from (start date) to (end date) in partial fulfilment of requirements of Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. We have found him /her to be dedicated and sincere. Signature (Name designation) Date: (Seal of the company) INDEX |Sr. No. |CONTENTS |Page No. | |1 |ACKNOWLEDGMENT | | |2 |LIST OF TABLES | | |3 |LIST OF FIGURES | | |4 CHAPTER I | | |5 |CHAPTER II | | |6 |CHAPTER III | | |7 |CHAPTER IV | | |8 |CHAPTER V | | |9 |BIBLIOGRAPHY | | |10 |ANNEXURE | | ACKNOWLEDGMENT I express great pleasure in introducing my project entitled â€Å"-â€Å"is a successful outcome of co-operation of many entities. This the platform , where I would like to express my gratitude to all those, who were directly or indirectly involved in completion of this study. I take this opportunity to express my most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to Mr : Tables may be more or less depending upon the tables in each chapter . They should be in minimum words They should indicate scope of the study They should drive the research Project 6. Research Hypotheses The point should cover the following: A Hypothesis is a tentative generalization – the validity of which remains to be tested. Specify research hypotheses that you wish to investigate in this study. They should be clear, specific precise. They should state the relationship of variables. They should be simple They should be limited in scope. They should be testable statements. They should be in minimum number 7. Scope of the Study The point should cover the following: Specific mention should be made of the rational scope of the research problem of the project, such as: Geographical scope of the study. The topical scope of the study. The functional scope of the study Chapter II Profile of the Organization This is the second chapter of the project, which should en velop the following points : 2. 1 Current status of the company 2. 2 Future plans of the Organization 2. 3 Any other relevant information of the Organization The detail descriptions of these points are as under: 2. 1 Current status of the company The Point should cover the following: Current market position of company should be given. Current financial positions of company should be given Reasons for profit/loss should be discussed. Marketing strategies should be listed. 2. Future plans of the Organization The point should cover the following: Future plans of company if any should be specified 2. 3 Any other relevant information of the Organization. This point should cover the following: Any other relevant information regarding the company should be given. Chapter III Research Design and Methodology A good research design ensures against wasteful expenditure of time, money and energy. Thus chapter should contain information on the following points : 3. 1 Sampling Design 3. 2 Source and methods of Data collection 3. 3 Methods of data analysis and statistical Techniques 3. 4 Key concepts and definitions 3. 5 Limination of the Study The detail description of these points are as under : 3. 1 Sampling Design This point should cover the following: Define population with reference to project Sampling unit should be specified Sampling frame should be defined Sample size should be defined Sampling Procedure Statistically /Judgement should be defined Know the budgetary constraints. Understand sampling errors. An explanation of the determination of size and type of sample will also be necessary Proposals not requiring a sample selection should specify their strategy appropriately and describe the rationale. 3. 2 Source and methods of Data collection This point should cover the following : The different types of data that are proposed to be gathered and to be used sho uld be specifically mentioned. Data collection methods may be as: Sources of Primary Data collection ? Observation, ? Field Observation ? Interview schedule, ? Questionnaire, ? Discussion, Sources of secondary data collection : ? Abstract database, ? Full text database, ? Online database, ? Unpublished database, The sources for each type of data and the tools and techniques that will be used for collecting different types of data should be specified. 3. 3 Methods of data analysis and statistical Techniques : The point should cover the following Different types of data analysis techniques used in the research project should be specifically mentioned. Such as: ? Basic analytical tools, which include Tabular Analysis, Graphical Analysis, Percentage Analysis, or Ratio Analysis etc. should be specified. ? Project students can use some advanced techniques in the project for data analysis which includes Regression Analysis, Multivariate Analyses, ANOVA etc. , Should be specified. 3. 4 K ey concepts and definitions: This point should cover the following: If some special technical terms used in the research project, those terms should be defined clearly. 3. 6 Lamination of the Study This point should cover the following: Major limitations of the study should be specified. Chapter IV Data Presentation, Analysis and interpretation This chapter should contain information on the following points: 4. 1 Getting data ready for analysis 4. 2 Data analysis 4. 3 Interpretation of results 4. 4 Discussion on results derived 4. 5 Research Questions Answered The detail description of these points is as under: 4. 1 Getting data ready for analysis Editing data Handling blank responses Coding data Categorizing data Creating data file Programming 4. 2 Data analysis Present data in tabular forms : i. Frequency table ii. Response tables iii. Contingency tables iv. Unvaried tables v. Bivariate tables vi. Statistical tables vii. Time series tables All tables should have technical features, such as : i. Table Number ii. Title of the table iii. Captions ( columns Heading) iv. Stubs( Row heading) v. Table Body vi. Head Body vii. Foot Note Feel for the data (Optional) depending on type of data 1. Use Basic of statistics such as i. Frequencies ii. Mean iii. Standard Deviation iv. Coefficient of Variation v. Correlation vi. ANOVA ii. Etc. 2. Get the basic findings / inferences. 4. 1 Interpretation of results Feel what findings / results are Mean what findings say Read whink and present the inference 4. 2 Discussion on results derived : Link the objectives with results of the data Implications of findings Personal perspective of the students on derived results 4. 3 Research Questions Answered: Feel the research questions are answered Draw and Develop conclusions or generalisations Chapter V Findings and Suggestions This chapter should cover the following : 1. Main Findings 2. Policy Suggestions 3. Scope for further research 1. Main Findings Findings are st atements of factual information based upon the data analysis List all the major findings of the project serially Put the findings in sequence of the study 2. Policy Suggestions Policy Suggestions or Recommendations should flow from the findings They should be very rational and practical They should be specific They should be indicative 3. Scope for further research Project study should indicate scope for further research III) Terminal Items : This point should cover the following points : 1. Bibliography 2. Appendices Questionnaires or Interview Schedules Complex Tables Technical Note 3. Glossary terms 4. Index Bibliography : A bibliography is the listing of the work that is relevant to the main topic of the research interest arranged in the alphabetical order of the last names of the author (s). A reference list is a subset of the bibliography, which includes details of all the citation used in the literature survey and elsewhere in the report, arranged again, in the alphabetical order of the last names of the author(s). At least three modes of referencing are followed in the business research. These are based on the format provided in the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (2001), the Chicago Manual Style (1993), and the Turabian style (1996). Each of these style specifies with examples, how books, journals, newspapers, dissertations and other documentation materials are to be referenced in the manuscript. Since the APA format is followed for referencing by many journals in the management area, the monograph will highlight the distinctions in how books, journals, newspapers, dissertations and other documentation materials are referenced using APA format as specimen referencing format below : Book by single Author : 1. Benni, Basavaraj, S. , (2005) Dairy Cooperative Management and Practice, Rawat Publication, Jaipur Book by more than one author : 1. Krishnaswamy, K. N. , Appa, Iyer, Sivakumar, Mathirajan. M. , 2006), Management Research Methodology : Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques, Pearson Education, New Delhi. More than one Book by the same author : 1. Roy, A. , (1998a) Chaos theory, McMillan Publishing Enterprise, New York. 2. Roy, A. , (1998b) Classic Chaos, McMillan Publishing Enterprise, New York. M ore than one Book by the same author : 1. Pennathur, A. , Leong, F. T. , Schuster, K (Eds), (1998), Style and substance of thinking, Paradise Publishers, New York. Chapter in the edited book : 1. Benni, Basavaraj, S. , (2007), Infrastructural Development and Regional Disparity – A Comparative District Level Analysis in Karnataka, in Dash L. N. (Ed ) Economics of Infrastructure, Regal Publication, New Delhi. Journal Article : 1. Benni, Basavaraj, S. , (2006), Sugar Factory Efficiency Measurement : Application of Data Envelopment Analysis – A New Insight for Managers, Paradigm, The Research Journal of Institute for Management and Technology, Vol. X, No. 2, July – December. Conference Proceedings Publication : 1. Benni, Basavaraj, S. , (2007), Status of Public Services in Karnataka – A Comparative District Level Analysis, in Shahu, A. , (Ed), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Services Management, Oxford Brookes University IIMT New Delhi . Doctoral Dissertation : 1. Benni, Basavaraj, S. (2001), Dairy Co-Operative Societies in Karnataka, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Karnatak University, Dharwad. Paper presentation at conference : 1. Benni, Basavaraj, S. , (2004, August 27th to 29th), Empowering Decision Making Capacity of Global Corporate Managers through Econometric Tools, paper presented a for â€Å"Best Research Paper Competition† in 16th Annual Management Education Convention, conducted by Association of Indian Management Schools, Goa. Government Publication : 1. Ministry of Law, Government of India, (1960), The Copyright Act, 14 of 1957, Delhi Unpublished Manuscript : 1. Pringle, P. S. , (1991), Training and Development in 90s, unpublished manuscript, Southern Illinos University, Diamondale, IL.

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